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Favorite seashells

Photos with mysterious creatures of nature

Water is the basis of life, and there is hardly a person who would not like to relax by water bodies. It's nice to walk along the ocean, feel his breath, listen to the rustle of the waves, feel the gentle touch of the sea breeze, enjoy the beautiful views of the creamy rocks, beaches with soft sand, to become calmer and happier. There is no need to chase the elusive horizon, the ocean calms and adjusts to the positive. No wonder, at the resorts you will not find gloomy faces, everyone radiates smiles.

Photo depicting seashells by the ocean

Walking along the ocean, we find many different shells. Amazing creatures of nature - shells. They may have different shapes, colors and even patterns - it depends on the glands that the mollusks have. The surface of the shells can also be different - rough, smooth, twisted in a spiral and flat, with stripes, and in the form of a fan. They can be tiny that can only be seen under a magnifying glass, and of huge size, such as the Giant Tridacna, or the Giant Cocked Hat. According to the Guinness Book of Records, the largest clam was found in 1956 on the island of Ishigaki (Japan), 1.15 m long and weighing 333 kg. The life span of molluscs often exceeds 100 years.

Photos with countless sea trophies

A shell (shell) is an external protective skeletal formation, which they themselves build throughout their lives. The mollusk grows, and its shell grows with it, retaining its original shape. Layer by layer, the sea dwellers fold the edges of their mantle, forming limestone crystals from sea water salts. Shellfish grow more slowly in winter than in summer, which causes seams to form on the shell. and convex growth rings. By them, as by annual rings on a cut of a tree, you can calculate the age of the mollusk. The shells of all the clams are built according to one scheme. They consist of 3 main layers. The first layer - outer, consists of a horny substance without the content of limestone rocks ... The second layer is intermediate and consists of calcium carbonate. The third layer - inner mother-of-pearl, consists of thin plates of calcium carbonate and horny substance. The inner layer of the shell is especially beautiful and amazing. When light hits thin slabs of limestone, it refracts and crumbles in them into multi-colored rays, which is why we see mother-of-pearl so beautiful. When a grain of sand falls between the shell and the mantle, the mollusk begins to fight the foreign body, enveloping it with layers of mother-of-pearl. This is how the pearl is formed. The largest the documented pearl was 24 cm long, 14 cm wide, 15 cm high, and weighed 6.4 kg (Lao Tzu pearl).

A photo of a wonderful beach

According to scientists, shells are one of the oldest surviving creatures on the planet. Their age is millions of years. It's been a long time but during this time the shells have hardly changed.

Photo of a walk along the beach

As a child, spiral shells in the house seemed to be a real treasure. In addition to external beauty, they kept the sound of the sea in themselves: lean it to your ear, you hear the sounds of the surf and you calm down. It seems to be nothing like that, but the feeling is as if you are holding a secret in your hands. In fact, the "sound of the sea" in a shell - nothing more than slightly altered sounds of the environment, reflected from the walls of the sink.

Photos with beautiful seashells

The marine theme brings a special charm to the interior of the house. Shell decor has gained popularity again. According to modern designers, from various products of the sea, you can create an incredibly stylish and original interior that can fill even the most outstanding apartment with a marine atmosphere. Washbasin products look natural and elegant. Their pastel neutral colors can be combined with almost any décor. Panels, applications, seashell figurines are a great idea to decorate a room. Panels and appliques will look harmoniously like on the bathroom wall, and in a delicate bedroom or living room. Candlesticks and animal figurines can be placed both on the shelf in the bathroom and on the dresser in the living room, place on shelves or on a coffee table. Candlesticks and coasters for jewelry will also be appropriate on the bedside table. ... Applications and animal figures will be of interest to children in the nursery. The shells are practical and durable.

Photo with seashell figurines in the interior
Photo with a stylish candlestick in the bedroom interior
Photo with exclusive VIP picture

About us.

We present you our souvenirs from Portugal - various shell products that we create in our workshop: applications, panels and paintings, shell figurines, jewelry, magnets, drawings and decoupage on shells. Only two people work in our studio, so the number of products is limited, and due to the individuality of the material and our creativity, many products are created in only one instance.

Already the shells themselves are uniquely beautiful, and therefore crafts made from this material always turn out to be unusual, original and unique. For our work, we mainly use shells collected on the shores of the Atlantic Ocean in the southern province of Portugal - Algarve. Each product turns out to be unique, unrepeatable, because each shell has its own structure, shape, color. In the manufacture of products, we also use various materials found on the coast of the ocean: sand, pebbles, nets, starfish and gorgonians, dry algae, sand, roots, pieces of glass. We also use decorative pearls and seaweed.

Photo of the process of working with a flamingo

Handmade - what could be better? It is very nice to please your family, friends and relatives with handmade products. It's always a pleasure to pick up a figurine made of seashells, a frame or stand, put on a beautiful pendant, and remember that it's time to relax, go to the sea, enjoy the fresh sea breeze, wander along the wet sand, listen to the cries of seagulls, the sound of the waves. Our life is not endless, it consists of small moments of happiness, caught this moment - and enjoy life! Friends, love and value every day you live! All earthly blessings to you!

Photo with seashell jewelry
Photo with a romantic waterfall and jewelry stand
Photo with funny figures
Photos with unique applique paintings
Photo with marvelous stands for jewelry and mysterious women
Photo with adorable dinosaurs
Photo with delicate seashell flowers
Photos with lovely napkin coasters
Photos with beautiful marine applications on canvas